online fitness & lifestyle coaching for busy men

Reach your Prime

Look, Feel, and Perform your Best at any age

Shed Fat. Build Muscle.

Get Fit. Live Prime.

with a custom-made plan from an experienced online fitness coach

Tired of letting life slip by while you coast? It’s time to take control and step in your PRIME.

Design My Fitness Plan

Build the body you’ve always wanted

No matter your goals, Fit & Prime can help you unlock your full potential. Whether it’s fat loss, muscle gains, or sleeping better—our solutions work. We’ll teach you how to build a fitness and health routine that you actually enjoy and that gets you real results. Listen to how you can get started today!

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What’s Your Concern?

  • Excess Body Fat
  • Low Strength/Endurance
  • Poor Diet
  • Poor Mindset
  • High Stress
  • Low Confidence

Meet Coach Paul

With over 25 years of experience in weightlifting and competitive athletics, I know a thing or 2 about how to optimize your fitness around a busy schedule. As your online fitness coach, I’ll help you build a program that gets you in your PRIME mentally, physically, and emotionally with the least amount of time and effort.

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Health & Vitality Live longer and experience life to the fullest.
Pride & Confidence Take pride in your appearance and abilities.
Lifelong Skills PRIME living is truly for any age.
Sustained Energy Sleep better and wake up rested, ready to take on the day.
Sense of Control You don't have to accept things the way they are, you can change them.
True Meaning In your PRIME, you get to truly enjoy the things that matter most.

Start living PRIME today.

Our programs meet you where you are and lay out the exact steps to train your body and meet your fitness goals.

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